PROJECT NAME: Wonderlite
TARGET DEMOGRAPHIC: 18-50 year olds, who have a sedentary lifestyle
PROJECT SCOPE: During my second year of university, I commenced a second major in Interactive and Visual Design. Visual Communication was one of the subjects we did which involved creating a logo and branding for a product. Keywords: Health, Dynamic, Motivation
Wonderlite is a device that is worn on the wrist as an accessory with features to help users make time and motivate them to participate in physical activity. Features include Mp3 player, USB charger, Map, distance traveled, average speed, history, calories burned, heart rate & pedometer. Target audience are 18-50 year olds, who have a sedentary lifestyle.
Designing a product that will engage the target demographic and be useful.
Creating a effective brand and collateral materials
Creating a brand that is visually engaging

The design style is aiming towards a contemporary sporty, dynamic and abstract style and feel. The predominant colours are green and blue as it is more associated with health, physical activity, calm and trust. The warmer vibrant colours make it feel comfortable, aspiring, active and motivating. The style helps to convey the three keywords, dynamic, motivation and health.

Researched a variety of existing logos and came across these logos that helped inspire the use of the keywords and are simple, memorable, reliable, trustworthy and meaningful.

The logo has shapes like sweat drops that is intended to look like people who are losing weight. They are arranged to reflect the letter W, which represents he initial letter of the name of the device, the shape, colour and exercising/perspiration. The red line motivated people to be determined and take action and the green and blue colours assures the target audience that they will benefit from this device and educated them about heath and dangers of not taking care of their health. the movement of the shapes helped reflect the keyworks and also makes the viewers feel like that they will become healthy very quickly. the Gestalt theory considered are continuity which is the red line that makes them read the logo as one. Proximity is the blue and green shapes grouped together and similarity is used between the two blue and green shapes, as they are positioned together and have a similar size.

For the rhetorical image, I collated existing ads that are sporty, motivating and aspiring to office workers who want to work towards having a healthy lifestyle and also guarantee that using the product will change their lives.

Rhetorical Image 1
– Influenced by sporty, motivating and ads relating to office workers.
– Image is trying to motivate office workers to be active and make a difference to their busy lifestyle
Rhetorical Image 2
– Making the users feel like an athlete and feel more energetic, reduce stress and take action to prevent their future health problems

Did research on examples that should information of how a product works.

Continued on with the shape and style of the logo
Micro and Macro design have been used to show the user specific detail on the device and an overview of how it will be used.
Coding and visual hierarchy have been used to highlight important information.

These packages inspired the current package to be simple, easy to use, reflect the key-words and appeal to the target audience.

Continued on with the shape and style of the logo
Micro and Macro design have been used to show the user specific detail on the device and an overview of how it will be used.
Coding and visual hierarchy have been used to highlight important information.

The packaging is shaped similar to a suitcase and can easily open to reveal the device. The form also slightly reflects the shape of the device. The layout, colour and shape has taken on the style and shape of the logo, which helps to identify the product and branding by addressing the target audience and also consistently using the keywords. The colours chosen are taken from the logo and also inspired by most sporty packaging to make it simple and easy to understand. The information design is incorporated on the inside cover to make it more visible how to use the product step by step and enlarged the logo to encompass the package to create a experience.